## docs/cli/index.md --- title: CLI --- ## docs/cli/10-introduction/index.md --- title: Introduction --- ## docs/cli/10-introduction/10-overview.md --- title: Overview --- The command line interface (CLI), `sv`, is a toolkit for creating and maintaining Svelte applications. ## Usage The easiest way to run `sv` is with [`npx`](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/commands/npx) (or the equivalent command if you're using a different package manager — for example, `pnpx` if you're using [pnpm](https://pnpm.io/)): ```bash npx sv ``` If you're inside a project where `sv` is already installed, this will use the local installation, otherwise it will download the latest version and run it without installing it, which is particularly useful for [`sv create`](sv-create). ## Acknowledgements Thank you to [Christopher Brown](https://github.com/chbrown) who originally owned the `sv` name on npm for graciously allowing it to be used for the Svelte CLI. You can find the original `sv` package at [`@chbrown/sv`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@chbrown/sv). ## docs/cli/20-commands/index.md --- title: Commands --- ## docs/cli/20-commands/10-sv-create.md --- title: sv create --- `sv create` sets up a new SvelteKit project, with options to [setup additional functionality](sv-add#Official-add-ons). ## Usage ```bash npx sv create [options] [path] ``` ## Options ### `--template ` Which project template to use: - `minimal` — barebones scaffolding for your new app - `demo` — showcase app with a word guessing game that works without JavaScript - `library` — template for a Svelte library, set up with `svelte-package` ### `--types